Board of Trustees
The Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees elected by the general membership. Members represent different areas of the State. The Board is responsible for the election of officers, for setting policy and procedures, for overseeing fiscal matters, and for conducting any other business that comes before it. The Annual Membership Meeting is held in May.
Cynthia Bower, Trout Run, PA
Charles Marshall, Paoli, PA
Vice Chair Eastern Region
Jim Weaver, Wellsboro, PA
Vice Chair Central Region
Stan M. Stein, Esq., Pittsburgh, PA
Vice Chair Western Region
Barb Jarmoska, Montoursville, PA
Recording Secretary
Ron Evans, Durham, NC
Dan Alters, Bellefonte, PA
Membership & Corresponding Secretary
Abigail Faulkner Jones, Esq., State College, PA
Richard Martin, Boiling Springs, PA
Averill Shepps, Mechanicsburg, PA
John E. Childe, Jr., Esq., Dauphin, PA
Chief Counsel
Kimberly H. Childe, Esq., Dauphin, PA
Trustees Emeritus
Joe Lauver
Letitia Ryan